Welcome to Zooropa FTP!!

Feel free to download as many files as you like. Feel free to upload files as well. To download, click the link below to access the FTP server. "Copy files to folder" to download.
To upload, "drag and drop" files like you would on your own computer. You may find it easier to use an FTP client like "CuteFTP" or Bulletproof FTP".

Join The Zooropa FTP Yahoo Group to receive the latest server news.

Any questions, comments, suggestions?  Contact Me.


Just want to let everyone know that even though I am crediting those who upload shows, the server is still open to those who don't upload.  

The upload accounts do not interfere with the free public account.  I still allow the same number of users (16-40, depending on my computing needs!) and always will.  Basically, I'm rewarding those who upload because I just don't have the time to track all these shows down myself.  Remember, If you can't get on the public account, keep trying.  You will eventually get in.



If You wish to link to my site use the jpeg below and use the address http://www.sling.to/zooropaftp or .






If accessing the FTP with an FTP Client, you will need the following info:


(For U2 Music)

Site Address: zooropaftp.dyndns.org
Username: preview
Password: preview
Port: 8081


Or Click Here to Preview Zooropa FTP



(For U2 Music)

Site Address: zooropaftp.dyndns.org
Username: u2music
Password: u2music
Port: 8081



(For Other Music)

Site Address: zooropaftp.dyndns.org
Username: music
Password: music
Port: 8081



Site Address: zooropaftp.dyndns.org
Username: upload
Password: upload
Port: 8081


At times, the server may be slow. Be patient.

If the server is down, come back later. I will try to keep the
server up as often as I can.


Click here to enter Zooropa FTP(U2)

Click here to enter Zooropa FTP(Music)

Click here to upload files to Zooropa FTP